Price: 29.99 GBP

The ELITE rank gives you a lot of features. This is our best rank. The features you get with this rank are:

  • Flying in lobbies (using the feather, or /fly)
  • Rank Tag in-game and on the discord
  • Extra survival perks (graves, lasso villagers & more)
  • Setting items in-game as your hat (/hat and hold item in inventory)
  • Selecting Bedwars Maps (Bedwars Map Selector)
  • Movements (Lay, Crawl, Sit, Bellyflop & Spin)
  • Access to all kits in THE PIT

These are the features you get with ELITE, but you are missing out on more! GOD rank gives you even more perks. Check out the GOD rank here.

Thanks for supporting Nexcade!